Lean on IT Services

You can lean on us to manage the day-to-day IT operations to maintain your critical enterprise applications

Safecodesoft’s Lean-on IT Services include a comprehensive portfolio of IT services to make your day-to-day challenges with your various enterprise applications easy, relatively sorted for your comfort while keeping your total cost of ownership low.

We do the mundane better. We have always excelled in providing unparalleled services and best-of-the-class support.

We have expertise in providing lean-on IT services for leading applications and systems.





Key Highlights of our Lean-on IT Services

Application Maintenance Services

Help Desk & Support Services

Test Center Services

Database Administration Services

SafeCodeSoft Differentiators

  • Highly skilled ERP resource pool
  • Almost 1500 years of collective experience & expertise in leading enterprise applications
  • Service delivery based on RRR – Right people in right place at right time
  • We think beyond what we committed in SOWs; dedicated account management team
  • Proactive advisory services and solutions; proprietary tools built to address customer pain points
  • Maximum accessibility to key workforce
  • Flexi Pricing models
  • Able to provide competitive pricing due to minimal overheads
  • Resource as a Service Model (RaaS)
  • Quick & proven transition methodology
  • Cross functional competency building
  • A dedicated transition manager to ensure smooth and successful transition
  • Strong integration between help desk, L2 and L3 teams
  • One team – Single location delivery – onsite is the backup location, if needed
  • High resource utilization and better productivity with round the clock support; metrics driven

Want to learn details about us?

Download our brochure for details of our work